Product Information

Interference Suppression Capacitors

Interference Suppression Capacitors

Interference Suppression Capacitors
Brand : Interference Suppression Capacitors
Detailed Description

Backed by a team of skilled professionals, Industrial Products Corporation is able to offer Interference Suppression Capacitors with utmost quality. Our vendors offer best possible facilities to a team of professionals so that they can perform to the best of their ability. These Interference Suppression Capacitors are supplied under the purview of our highly qualified team of experts to ensure our products meet international standards.


  • Long Lasting
  • Durable
  • Corrosion Resistance.

Technical Specifications:

Capacitance Range in ufd

Rated Voltage

Marking Example

(X2) 0.001-1.0

275 VDC

IS-275 VAC- D 104 K X 2

(Y2) 0.001-0.033

250 VDC

IS-250 VAC- D 103 K Y 2


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